Here are the keys for the Sonic Starship:
- [ `, 1-9 ]: Set pixel resolution
- [ - ] and [ + ]: Raise or lower movement speed
- [ [ ] and [ ] ]: Raise or lower zoom speed
- *[ 0 ]: reset or set movement speed
- *[ \ ]: reset or set zoom speed
- *[ / ]: set trail seconds long
- *[ a ]: Set number of frets
- [ CTRL + p ]: change spirograph mode
- [ CTRL + j ]: toggle major minor key tint expression!
- [ ALT + j ]: Toggle chevron pitch pointer!
- [ ~ ]: Toggle continuous star and 24 frets
- [ V ]: Rock In the Water star (requires continuous star be engaged)/li>
- [ P ]: Toggle Two Witnesses and Seven Stars
- [ w ]: Toggle volume speed
- [ { ]: Four Rivers of Eden (Starship feedback loop)
- [ } ]: Stegosaurus (Starship feedback loop)
- [ E ]: Character on trail, character free works well with
[ CTRL + d] Star free
- [ CTRL + d]: Star centered on dot or Character if [ E ]
- [ ALT + k ]: Distance from center octave for press sound
- [ ALT + p ]: Pixel star!
- [ CTRL + u ]: Pong!
- [ ALT + t ]: Harmonic equalizer! Just like the neck of a guitar!
- [ CTRL + b ]: Harmonic balloons! Solves to 2 (octaves) in that:
r=2 (or r=0)
so say 2*r=r^2=2^r, then there would be an eclipse of sorts at 2 and this would extend to one in that a*r=r^a=a^r is 1 or 2. Also note 2^4=4^2.*w%3Dm**w%3Dw**m
- [ CTRL + n ]: Harmonic exponential balloons! This is an overcored hypercore in 12ths instead of 2nds. It's roughly equal (rounds correctly) from the outer note to the first inner repetition of that note (the octave), to the regular harmonic balloons. This corresponds to 1 to 2.
- [ h ]: Full screen
- [ v ]: Verbose
- *[ ALT + b ]: Open audio Bible from with optional 0-8 argument for reader and format!
- *[ ALT + c ]: Input a verse to the audio bible only by hash of the format #.c(iiJohn1) this is Second John chapter 1. Doesn't work with (.b1-8)!
- [ ALT + f ]: Disable speakers, by hash only (since most phones won't let you turn the volume all the way down)!
- [ ALT + s ]: Toggle touch sound!
- [ i ]: Increase zoom In
- [ o ]: Increase zoom Out
- [ p ]: Set zoom threshold to average for next second
- [ W ] and [ S ]: Raise or lower starship key
- [ Q ]: Spinning starship key
- [ D ]: Clockwise is increasing pitch (default)
- [ A ]: Counter-clockwise is increasing pitch
- [ ALT + g ]: Manual key
- [ ALT + z ]: Switch Two Witnesses and Seven Stars spin
- [ ALT + x ]: Switch red and blue note color
- [ ALT + n ]: Splice out top level spokes
- *[ ALT + m ]: Splice out meta spokes, argument is how many generations to wait to splice
- [ CTRL + r ]: River or flame style trail
- [ O ]: Starship in Clover
- [ Z ]: Trail outside Clover
- [ ALT + e ]:Change tolerance for pitch recognition
Here are the keys for Seven Clovers:
- [ t ]: Touch to Move
- [ CTRL + t ]: re-engage starship in touch mode
- [ l ]: Freeze zoom
- [ L ]: jump to top
- [ C ]: Jump in to just about the bottom of the first Cloverfield. This works nicely with "l".
- [ q ]: Cycle tree of Life colorings
- [ ALT + q ]: Backwards cycle tree of Life colorings
- [ U ]: Cycle through players
- [ G ]: Articles
- [ n ]: Toggle popping clovers!
- [ l ]: Set zoom to freerange
- [ c ]: Keep focus on Center
- [ ALT + c ]: Spin each spoke generation by a golden proportion
- [ j ]: Carousel
- [ k ]: Multi-Carousel
- [ ? ]: Spiration
- [ ; ]: Reverse Rainbow
- [ R ]: Remediated Colors
- [ s ]: Engage dissipator dance! This also works with the Mandelbrot.
- [ y ] and [ u ]: Remove or add a petal
- [ ! ]: Refractel-Clover
- [ @ ]: Clovoid
- [ # ]: Dot Product (requires MandelCloverBrot ("m") and dissipator dance ("s")
- [ N ]: only the middle clover cores: (7^4-1)*60=144000
- [ J ]: One Hundred Forty Four Thousand
- [ T ]: Spokes turn into clovers
- [ F ]: Root two bump
- [ & ]: Continuum Clover
- [ H ]: Clovers slide
- [ M ]: Radial rainbow on clovers
- [ CTRL + o ]: Petal count from harmonic interval
- [ CTRL + c ]: Coring rate from harmonic interval
- [ ALT + 1-7 ]: Clover variations
- [ CTRL + f ]: Spherical projection of clover
- [ CTRL + x ]: Field Power Boost
- [ CTRL + z ]: Field Power Boost Meta
- [ CTRL + q ]: Square Clover
Some Miscellaneous extras!
- [ ALT + Y ]: Big Large eyes!
- [ x ]: X fractal
- [ CTRL + a ]: Mandelbrot
- [ g ]: Manny zoom
- [ d ]: Sprouting Tree of Life
- [ $ ]: 1/x^2 or acrostic
- [ Y ]: Blank background. Moves starship out of clover ("O")
- [ CTRL + l ]: Change First Character, Manny's, eye colors from opposite rainbow, to grey, to standard rainbow, to clear
- [ f ]: Four Creatures\Bride in zoomer
- [ z ]: Four Creatures on top
- *[ m ]: Four Creatures wheel flip and MandelCloverBrot
- [ b ]: Contract and expand MandelCloverBrot
- [ ALT + a ]: Layer super music man angel with character
- [ ALT + r ]: Refactor core
- [ ALT + l ]: User facing camera
- [ ALT + v ]: Environment facing camera
- [ > ] and [ < ]: Raise or lower metronome rate
- [ CTRL + v ]: feedback Voice
- [ SPACE ]: Reset most all settings
To create a hardlink to a mode just put the the hotkeys after the URL, as a hash "#" like so:;
for the hotkeys ".4", j, s, u, p, ?, c, and ";". Or for the clover in it's original form;
If you don't have a CTRL or ALT key you can use "," for CTRL, or "." for ALT! This is great for hashes!
To feed a number into a hotkey hashtag put it before parenthesis containing the selected value, like so #a(77) or #m(0.06125). Hotkeys with available number arguments are indicated by an hash, like so: *[ HOTKEY ]